I used to subscribe to Knit'N'Style magazine, but lately I've been looking at it on the newsstand before I buy. I don't think I've ever looked at their website before, but I happened on it tonight, and this is the cover sweater on their April issue.
I just love this! Looking at it, I really hope it is not crocheted, but the colors and the design appeal to me so strongly that I am going to have to look for the magazine. I really need to know what yarn this is.
Hey there, Liana,
The cover sweater looks like double crochet to me because of the length of the stitch and the spacing. I used to crochet up a storm in the 70's, but that tapered off. Now, my hands won't let me. That is OK, I prefer to sew.
The body is definately crochet that's why it drew my attention. Unfortunately, I don't knit. :~) Do you crochet?
I do crochet, but when I looked for this yarn, it was not only amazingly expensive for a little summer top, the colorways are extremely limited, and this one was unavailable almost before the magazine was printed. Unfortunately none of the others they had appealed to me. Saved from myself, I think!
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