Tuesday, July 04, 2006

It's A Three Star Day!

Yes, I did get my third star on PatternReview today, thanks to all of you who helped. If anyone wants a simpler explanation of the "star-figuring" method they use, let me know. For now, I'll just say that the strangest thing about it is that giving someone anything other than a Very Helpful rating on a review will actually hurt them. I never dreamed that rating someone Helpful was not a nice thing to do. Oh well, live and learn. Now that I have 3 stars, what will I do with them? I have no idea, but it's nice, just the same. Again, thank you all, I couldn't have done it without you, and I really didn't mean to whine and beg (well, not much anyhow!)


Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations Liana! I was so excited to get one star. And if I am one, you must be at least 10 in my books!

Linda L said...

Good for you! You are truly deserving.

Debbie Cook said...

I think you should have 5 stars, but congrats all the same. I'm curious how the Helpful brings down the ratings -- is it because it lowers the average?