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I finished my jacket made from Marfy 9650. The pattern is from the Fall/Winter 2005/06 catalog. The fabric is a very heavy cream cotton with metallic embossed designs. I still think it's a really pretty fabric, but it was very hard to work with. It had no give to it, and easing was just about impossible. I had to lower the sleeve caps a fair amount to get the sleeves set in. I think they turned out fine, and they're very comfortable, which worried me, but it certainly could have been easier. The raised, embossed designs added to the stiffness of the fabric as well as making it somewhat difficult to do handstitching. The needle just didn't want to go through those areas.
All in all, I think it turned out well. I made some changes, as you can see by looking at the design illustration below. I didn't do the contrast collar or topstitching, and I decided against the pocket after pinning it on several times and attempting to adjust its position to someplace where it would look good. That spot didn't seem to exist, so I ditched it. The only topstitching on the jacket is some edgestitching along the collar and lapel edges. I used a Madeira Rayon thread that was a matching cream with tiny flecks of red, blue, and green, which are almost unnoticeable in the end, but the color match was very good anyway.
I think I have enough fabric left to do a matching skirt if I wish, but I'm not sure I really want one. Perhaps when I have some distance from working with this fabric, and have forgotten my troubles with it.... Here is a side view.

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The design called for a double button frog closure on an angle, and I did a closure made with 2 mother-of-pearl flat rings, a vintage button, and a cord made from suede and linen yarns. I was afraid it wouldn't be too practical, but it seems to hold very well, and it's easy to get the placement correct while wearing it. As with most double-breasted styles though, it looks better closed than open.

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Here's the pattern illustration.

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It's beautiful and fits perfectly! I really love the closure you designed.
Oh, my. That's fabulous, Liana! The fabric doesn't look as if it's been beaten into submission...it just looks tailored and beautiful. What great inspiration!
And re snow...you'd think, with all the snow that's going around the country, we could've gotten ONE snow day in North Alabama this year. Don't think it's gonna happen now....
Beautiful!! Gorgeous fabric and fabulous pattern combined. I leanred something new, too: how to deal with armholes when fabric does not give. Gald to be a reader of your blog!
Oh Liana, what a gorgeous jacket! I eyed that fabric for a long time. But did not bite. It really made up into a nice jacket. Sorry it was hard to handle. I love the closure you chose.
Girl that is a FAB jacket! Terrific fabric choice!
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