Here's the coat that I think may finally move me from the ranks of
Dying to Make a Coat,
Made a Coat.
It's Marfy 9621, and I have a lovely deep green woven that is almost like a flat-woven tweed, with bouclé plaid threads in pink, green, gold and a tiny bit of plum metallic. It looks quite loosely woven, but it isn't as loose as I thought, although it has quite a bit of movement to it. I think it will need underlining, and possibly flannel might be a good choice.
I started laying it out and marking it this afternoon, and it quickly became apparent that it was going to be a bigger job than I had thought, since the pattern pieces are large because of the cut-on sleeves. I have to cut out single layer, so that makes the plaid matching a little trickier. I wish there were an easier way to mark than tailor tacks, but I think that's really the best method. I'm just going to have to wait until my back is in a little better shape to do all the bending over.
So, that gives me time to decide what to use for the contrast. I'm actually thinking fleece, or a lofty pile knit that I have in green. I don't want velvet, which is what is called for.
On the knitting front, I have my Instant Jacket almost all sewn together, and the collar almost done, so it is coming along.
It's going to be coat and jacket weather very soon, like maybe tonight! It's 48 right now, and it may snow a little in the next couple days. Oh, joy.
What a beautiful coat pattern. I have never made a coat, although I do have a Sandra Betzina classic, and several Marcy Tilton patterns. The fabric sounds beautiful.
That's a beautiful pattern and I can't wait to see it completed.
What a gorgeous coat! Too hot for me to even think about a coat but I would like to have one this year.
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