Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I Never Knew

I never knew just how many wonderful friends I had. I can't tell you how much it has meant to hear from all of you. It's still hard, and I'm sure it will be for quite some time, but it is so much easier to move ahead knowing that so many people care. I really feel like I have been greatly blessed to know all of you. I want to apologize for not keeping up with everyone's projects and blogs, but I think I'm on the way back. I hope so, anyway.


Melodye said...

Liana, We all understand. There's no time limit, it takes as long as it takes. We'll be here. It was good to see you posting on Artisans' Square, so I knew you'd be here before long. Take care,


Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Of course we care...you are a wonderful person who shares freely of her sewing gifts and we in the sewing community care deeply for you.

I'm glad the days are getting better for you and you will remain in my prayers!

Love you!

Rose said...

We care! Someone will always be there to welcome you, no matter how long it takes for you to return.


Rose in SV

Omega said...

I have missed you and I'm just recently learning of your loss. We do care and you will be in my prayers. I totally understand I lost my closest brother this summer so I know it takes time. We'll be here. You take care.

Debbie Cook said...

I'll echo Melodye - it takes as long as it takes. I was very happy to see you again on SG and here, but we'll all keep thinking of you during the times you don't post, wishing you well, and knowing you'll be back with us when you can. It's not a race and no one is keeping score. Besides, you're already a winner in my book. :-)

JoanneM said...

Welcome Back-one step at a time......

Mary Beth said...

Well, so now you know! Glad to hear from you: I have been thinking of you. Nothing will ever be the same, which is to say that it will be different and maybe you'll come to enjoy different things in the future, but I hope you'll continue to sew, knit, explore and share with us.

shams said...

My thoughts are with you, Liana. I have lost a parent, but not a partner and can't imagine it. You are a wonderful and caring member of our community, and please let us know how we can support you at any time.

Stitchinscience said...

Liana, wonderful to see you back, Grieving is a strange path that we cannot control. I can only advise, take your time, there will be backwards and sideways steps, bu these all part of it.

gwensews said...

Time. It takes time to get back on your feet. You will. Wishing you well.

Mary said...

My thoughts are with you. Your blog has always been an inspiration to me. Now your strength is as well. Take your time and be good to yourself.

Ann Made Studio said...

Wishing you well Liana.

willowsmum said...

I am so pleased to see you back Liana.......take care and look after yourself.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to see your posts. Please take care of yourself. It's an up and down process. I hope knitting and sewing nurtures you. This is the gift of the creative process.

- Myrna

Mardel said...

How nice to see you post. You are always so generous in sewing your knowledge with us that it is a joy to see you here again, and we miss you. Take care to take your time. Hugs.

Lydia said...

This will not leave over night. Your posts are an inspiration to all of we members and when you don't surface, we know you eventially will. Blessings.


Leslie in Austin said...

One day at a time. Some will be good, some will be bad, but on each and every one, we, your friends, will have your back.

Marji said...

I can only echo the sentiments already expressed. You are so valued a member of this online sewing and knitting community. Don't worry at all about "catching up" on activity, just look at what interests you, when the mood hits, and you'll ease back in as you are able. As others have said, there's no time limit, no schedule to keep. You are often in my thoughts. Hugs, Marji

kanishk said...

'm glad the days are getting better for you and you will remain in my prayers!

Work from home India