I'm back to the land of the bloggers, etc. now that my dear brother has fixed me up with a loaner computer until he gets back from his trip and can figure out what to do with mine. I must agree with
Melodye when she said grown-up brothers are the best. They sure are! I will try to take some pants pictures too. I just have basic programs on this computer and none of "my" stuff, and I'm trying to keep it simple. I've got a back-up drive, so almost everything is still there, even if the computer itself dies, so I'm not worried yet.
Sally, the tailoring book
Claudine recommended is
Classic Tailoring Techniques: A Construction Guide for Women's Wear by Roberto Cabrera and Patricia Meyers.

I bought mine used from
Abe Books. Thank you Claudine for noting the book in your comment. My computer was so wobbly at that point that if I'd tried to get a link to it, I'd probably have lost the whole post, etc. As always, all help most gratefully accepted!
Patricia, I found a tutorial on
sewing godets from Els, who always knows the right way. We're very glad she does, and especially that she's willing to tell us, too. I hope this answers your questions. You can always come over to
Stitcher's Guild and ask there, too.
I highly recommend the books you mention, "Classic Tailoring Techniques". Both the mens and women's editions are clear to read and the technical notes are well drawn!
Thanks for the links.
Your reminder to go over to Stitchers Guild had me heading over there again and taking part, again. I hope that you will be back to blogging soon. I just got a new computer and I know how long and time consuming getting everything on it is.
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