I finished the silk matka Marfy 9411 jacket yesterday. I hope to get some better photos of it, but you can get the general idea here, anyway. I like it open better than closed. I think it may be the wrong length to be flattering on me, and I'm not sure that classic blazer styling is ever going to be great on me. Live and learn, but slowly, seems to be my motto. I do like the color, and I think it will be nice with the border print skirt and embroidered organza blouse I am beginning work on. You can see these fabrics with the Matka, below.

Here's a closeup of the jacket on a hanger. You can see the pink and white silk lining. These jackets always seem to look odd on a hanger, as they have a lot of shape built in, and when hanging, they look almost misshapen. Strange shadows also seem to be the norm for this fabric, and I had a horrible time getting any photos that were halfway decent, and I'm not really pleased with these, either.

Liana, although I realise that this is not your "usual" look I must say that I really like this on you! Quite possibly because I would LOVE that jacket in that colour on me...
You need to wear it for a bit to get used to the idea - the accompanying fabrics look very luscious too.
And the photos look fine to me.
Hi Liana, I think the colours look fabulous on you, go together nicely. My only observation is that the sleeves of the jacket look a tad tight. What do you think?
I just love greens so anything in the green family gets my vote. I think this length is actually flattering on you -- you have those wonderful long legs to balance a longer jacket, lucky woman!
I like your new jacket. Of course like Debbie C, I love greens and teals. Look forward to seeing the other fabrics made up.
Oh I love the lining fabric. I always seem to go with "safe". This is a nice touch.
Liana, I do like the jacket open on you. I can imagine that it would not, perhaps, be as attractive closed. However, I also see that it is not your usual style and you may be uncomfortable with how it looks because it does not really conform to your mental image of yourself, not because it really looks terrible...it doesn't.
I am rambling.
Thank you all so much! What wonderful encouragement. I went ahead and wore it yesterday, and I think I will just have to get used to it, as you say. Anything different can be off-putting for a while, so I guess this is no different. I do love the color!
Beautiful jacket. i'm just about to sew a suit with this fabric and i wonderd if you had any tips on pre-shrinking it? Thanks
Hi Laura,
I think I may have steamed it a bit if anything. With a tailored jacket, you really have to dry clean if anything, so I dont think shrinkage is a concern, and matka will become very soft and take on quite a different look if you wet it, so try a test of anything you want to do. Good luck!
Hi liana,
Thanks for your advice. I was thinking about having the fabric dry cleaned, but it adds quite a bit of expense to the whole project. Hope it turns out ok!
Hi Laura,
I wouldn't have it cleaned before making it up. Be sure you pre-shrink all the interfacings, lining, etc. and then if and when the suit needs cleaning, plan on dry cleaning then. You can steam the matka yourself before you cut, but I'm not sure you're going to get much shrinkage anyway. Check Claire Schaeffer's fabric book. She has very detailed info on almost every fabric, and it's very helpful. Your library should have a copy if you don't. HTH!
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