Here's the front of the Silky Wool tank I've been knitting from Elsebeth Lavold's yarn and pattern. I like the strap pattern especially, and it's kind of boring knitting until you start the lacy leaves pattern. The thing that really surprised me is that I'm running out of yarn! I never run out of yarn, and usually have some (or a lot) left over. I'm knitting this at the correct gauge, and I'm even making it shorter by several inches than the pattern specifies. She calls for 4 skeins, and I started on the fourth one as I was finishing the front, so I'm way off, and it really makes me wonder. I checked Lavold's website for errata, as I could tell there was a YO missing from the lace pattern, and the lace pattern correction was there, but no mention of more yarn being necessary. It's really a puzzlement. I was able to order more from Yarn Country, and they had my dyelot too. It shipped today, so I will have it very soon. Here's a close up of the lacy leaves pattern on the strap.

Last night I also finished the second sleeve of my Bobble/Cable sweater! I am really thrilled about that. Of course, by the time I was onto the second sleeve, I had finally memorized enough of the pattern repeats that I didn't need the chart except for the center panel, which is tricky. It would have gone much quicker all along if I had been able to do this sooner. So, now all I have to do is sew the second sleeve on and do the collar. Pictures as soon as I'm done, which may be tomorrow, I hope!