It's been over a week since I posted, and there's been a really good reason. Our beloved Catso died the day after Easter. He was only 6 years old, and seemingly in perfect health. We came home Monday evening, and he was screaming in pain, and was in the hall, unable to walk. We didn't know what was wrong, but when we took him to the emergency vet, she immediately knew that he had had a stroke. He was paralyzed from the waist down, and his lungs were filling. It was a horrible decision to have to make, but the only one. We had him put to sleep.
The fact that he was so active and obviously felt great right up until it happened has made it much tougher to deal with. As a cat or any pet gets older, you realize that the day will come, eventually. This was a real shock in many ways.
The few friends that I've told have overwhelmed me with their wisdom and kindness, and I decided I had better just let the word out generally as well.
We do still have The Peeper, who is Catso's younger half-brother. He's lost too, as he really never had to make a decision before in his life. The Catso simply took charge and kept it. Peep was very happy just to be allowed to go along on their adventures. He's a little clingy right now, but he's doing his best to keep up the back yard patrols regularly, and he's a mighty hunter in his own right. One cat cannot replace another anymore than one person can replace another, but it's kind of nice to have something to keep me going on some of the daily routine at least.
We buried Catso in the garden and we've been doing some changing of the landscaping in the area, especially moving a stepping-stone path over and with a different curve. Pearle supervises and I place the stones where he says they should go, and we got it about half done yesterday evening. I'd already mowed, sprayed dandelions, moved some daffodils out of the new path of the path, and weeded some beds, so it was really a full day after we went out and checked the last farm planted to corn. The soybeans will be next.
Here's a link to more Cat Pictures.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Catso. What a horrible, sad shock! It is such a loss. I still think fondly and sometimes sadly of each of our cats. They are burried in the garden. George made little stones for them and I get a little teary whenever I see them.
Liana, that is such sad news. It will be nice to have him in the back yard.
Ohhh, Liana, I am so sorry to hear your news about Catso. He is truly beautiful. It sounds like you'll have wonderful memories of him, and that his younger sibling will comfort you and Pearl as well.
We lost a kitty when the children were young and around that time we had read a children's book from the library together named "Ten Good Things about___" (I don't remember that name). So, when we lost Smoky, we each wrote a list of 10 good things and all shared them. All those memories together really lifted our hearts.
You are in my thoughts....
Liana, I am very sorry to read the sad news. Keep his beautiful memories through his brother. I do hope that would help you.
I am so, so sorry for your loss. I lost my 19 year old kitten (they're always kittens to me) the same way. It was and is a diffficult desicion to make, but that is our burden as the people who love them.
I am glad that he is with you in your garden. I know he'll always be with you in your memories.
Kathleen C.
I'm so sorry about your Catso. Your post brought tears to my eyes.
Liana, I am very sorry to read your sad news. Such a sudden surprize with no time to prepare yourself. We buried our dog in the back yard as well. Could not place him too far from where we were. My heart cries with you.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss.
We lost our cat the same way on April 1st. I found him waiting for me outside and discovered he could not walk. It was so sad.
I enjoyed enjoyed viewing your pictures of your beautiful Catso.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm so happy his life with you was filled with such wonderful times and people who cared. I imagine it was hard for him to put you through this . My best to you
Liana, I am so sorry to hear about your cat. It's never easy when they get sick, because they are part of our family, but you did the right thing.
The garden is a good place for a final resting spot. We have cats in our garden too, it just seems like the perfect place.
You are in my thoughts, take all the time you need to grieve. Catso had a lovely owner.
Oh Liana, I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. The death of a pet can be surprisingly upsetting - they become such a part of our lives don't they? Your lovely garden is just the right resting place for Catso; I have cats in my garden too.
Oh Liana, I'm so sorry for your loss. Such a beautiful cat too. I will keep you in my thoughts. I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry to hear about Catso's passing. I know there are no words of comfort now but know that I am thinking of you!
Liana....I am so sorry for your loss.........
With the warmest thoughts,
Liana, I am so sorry to read about your loss. I have visited your blog several times to see what you might be working on and decided you were very busy. Now I know it was something more.
I can truly emphathize with your loss. Though our loss was two chihauhaus, it is very hard to lose a pet. They give such unconditional love. Again I am sorry to hear about this.
Liana, my husband and I just came very close to losing our beloved 5-year-old cat, Twyla, to breast cancer, which turned out, happily, to be a benign cyst. We spent two weeks thinking that she might have to have a "last visit" to the vet, though, many years before we will be ready to part with her. Your post made me teary all over again. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.
I love your blog, but was behind reading. I'm *so* sorry about your kitty. I'm a little amazed, because nearly the same thing happened to my sister's cat a few years ago. Young, healthy, suddenly unable to walk and in horrible pain...they too had to put her to sleep. Such a very painful and unexpected loss.
I hope you are able to heal soon. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful creations, they really help inspire me!
Liana, I am way behind on my reading but wanted to send you and Pearl a big hug. I am very sure Catso would want that to be from him too, he must have loved being a part of your family.
Susan W.
Liana, I'm so sorry to hear about Catso. It is such a shock to lose a young, healthy pet so unexpectedly. I lost my beloved Roo to an embolism at the age of three - I still tear up when I look at her picture. Sending you a big hug!
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