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I'm donating things to sell at a fundraiser for my local chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon again this year, and I've knitted a bunch of scarves for it, but wanted to do something different too. After seeing a cuff (bracelet?) on a blog, I decided it would be fun to do very fancy cuffs to attach to gloves. The piece above is what I did for this. It's for a pair, and is a wool Melton with lace, roving and yarn attached using the Embellisher. I also used Shiva Paintsticks in gold and copper on them. Here's the first finished one. I think they're kind of fun.

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I lined them with a rayon twill, added a couple pleats and 3 buttons. I'm sure the second one will go much faster, as the hard part was figuring out just exactly how to attach them to the gloves. I'm using the little knitted "magic gloves" you find everywhere since I wanted these to be one-size, and I didn't want to put a lot of money into the gloves. They could easily be removed from these and put on any gloves, as they're just handstitched. If the other one turns out as well, it's going to be hard to let them go. Now I have to figure out what to price them at.
For a little quicker item (I hope) I am going to try to copy Barbara's gift pouches at Cat Fur Studio. I think these would be good sellers, and I hope I can do some as nice as hers.
As an experiment, I also have begun to work on a beaded necklace that has the large fabric pieces that I've seen in some designer shows. I think I'm going to add a chain twisting through the yarns to add a little more weight. Both sides of each piece is beaded, so no matter how they hang, it's the "right" side. I think a ribbon bow or two may go on this too.
REALLY!! Don't kid yourself. I've never seen anything more stupid..
Straight out of kindy...
"anonymous," I can see why you're ashamed to claim your comment. Do you also drown kittens?
I'm amazed that anyone would take the trouble to make such a mean comment on a work-in-progress.
Liana, I quite like your cuffs, and look forward to seeing how they and the necklace turn out when you're finished! I predict some "best-sellers" at the bazaar!
I was doing a search for a class on sewing knit fabric- because I'm nervous to even try, and I saw your post from last year about the expo. Do you know if there will be something like that anytime soon in Omaha?
thanks :) You have a wealth of creative projects on here!
I have not used my Embellisher in a long time. What a cute idea!
By the way I still use my "potato chip" scraf that I purchased from you about one or two years ago. I believe it was part of the fundraiser that you are again participating in.
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