I gave my program on Marfy patterns to the Haute Couture Club of Chicago this morning, and I think it went very well. There were over 50 women in attendance, and it was such fun to discuss fashion sewing with women who also sew, and who are most definitely fashionable. I had the best time! I hope that many of them will give Marfy patterns a try. Nancy Erickson (N.A. Marfy Distributor) is extending Postage Amnesty ordering until tomorrow at midnight (Oct. 2nd) so now is the time to order if you want patterns.
I have to admit right now that I forgot about asking someone to take photos, although I had my camera along. So, there are no photos. I wish I had some to share with you. It was a great group.
The members' Show & Tell included several Marfy garments, and they were lovely.
Rhonda Buss showed the fabulous skirt and bustier she's wearing tonight, and I plan to take a much closer look. We also got to see her darling
Obi Bag. She includes instructions, so go and look.
And next, Tales of Hoffman at the Lyric Opera. I can't wait! I promise pictures of my dress at least.