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I wanted a quick project, and decided that the popular #105 from the May, 2008 Burda World-of-Fashion magazine would be it. I traced it, altered and cut it out Sunday evening, then made it up yesterday. It turned out pretty well, although I don't think it's exactly my best style. I used a printed cotton, and it was very easy to make up. I like the sleeves and the way the shoulders and sleeves fit. I think it's the elastic waist I'm not crazy about. It's okay, but I don't think the poufiness of the peplum is doing anything for me. It calls for 3 large buttons and the 5 snaps underneath are the actual closure. I did as instructed, and then added a few more snaps to make things stay just right.
If I make this again, I would change the elastic to darts or tucks or something. I may just use the sleeves with my favorite saran block blouse, which has kimono sleeves. This would be a nice change, and I love the way the body of that blouse fits. It has fisheye darts in front and back, and lots of shaping in the side seams. It would be interesting to see just how much of the dart shaping of that blouse is in the kimono sleeves, and how much I'd lose if I changed to raglan.
I'm ready to topstitch the collar and lapels on the Marfy #1234 jacket, but I thought I wanted some Tiger Tape to help me make perfectly even stitches. I was amazed to find that none was available in town, even with all the quilt shops here. I have read some more since, and decided that I can probably do just fine without it. I hope so anyway. I think I'm going to just go for it, as usual. I've been doing samples, and I like a thicker cotton thread the best.
this is such a beautiful blouse, especially on you, I have never heard about tiger tape before until now
Your top is cute. I have had my eye on this one too. I have not been able to decide between this one and the one in the June issue. I like your ideas about eliminating the elastic because I don't think I would like that detail on me either.
This top is on my short list. I'm thinking of it as a fall/winter layering piece. I like what you've done here.
I agree; those sleeves are beautiful, and a great length on you as well. Also love the neckline and the color, very flattering. Personally I can never wear anything with an elastic waist- maybe because I have none :-( I need to define my midsection with darts or sewn down pleats/tucks, just like you mentioned.
The fabric is very beautiful, I wanted to make a top similar to this one after seeing yours I think I will...by the way I love your blog...It has been one of the biggest motivation for me start sewing.
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