Just yesterday, DrSue, a SG and PR member of long-standing, invited us all to a potluck luncheon on Friday (Sept. 10th) in her orchard in North Tustin! I'm very excited, and if any of you can make it, just let me know, and I will have her send directions to you.
Kind of short notice, but sometimes that's how it works out. Do try and come if you're in the area, please.
On another note, Lisa and I are going to the LA Fashion District today to look at fabric, etc. That is our plan at this moment anyway. We are taking her Eames chair into LA for repairs, and wanted to try to do both things at once.
My poor kitty is staying home alone with only the loving care of my brother and Dad to make the time pass. The Peep is used to going out all night (fenced back yard that he can't get out of) and so it's been pretty boring for him to stay in all the time. They were wary of letting him out since he might decide he wasn't coming back in while they were there. He can get into the garage through a cat door, so he has shelter, but still... Last night he was insistent with my brother that he WAS going out, no matter how stupid Chris might be, since he was obviously so dumb he couldn't even tell what a cat wanted. I finally said he should let him out and my Dad could let him in this morning sometime. Well, he went out like a shot, and less than half an hour later, he wanted back in desperately. I'm not sure if he suddenly realized that getting back in might be about as hard as getting out was, and thought he'd better go while the going was good, or what. Who knows what a cat's plans are? He's had a little outing though, and is probably happier and more content. I'm missing him, and I am pretty sure he's missing me too!
Be sure to take plenty of photos!
Peep will appreciate being inside now that he was locked out. It's for the best.
Thank you for the invite. I would love to, but, alas, I am on the other coast. Have a great time!
Sounds like you're having a great time. I hope the Peep is doing a little better now that he's had a chance to be out a bit.
Oh darn, I have to go to work that day in the wrong country. Have fun and report back on who shows up!
Oh how I wish I was on the West Coast! Well, Friday is our sewing group day anyway. We'll have a "toast" to you, Lisa, and DrSue and the gang when we stop for tea and dessert at 3pm ET!
I hope you get a chance to go to MOOD FABRIC in L.A., it has very nice fabric that you'll probably love. Have fun!
I'm so sorry I can't get up to Tustin for lunch! Alas, I have the children to get to school and then pick up from school. Have a great time. And I hope you enjoyed your trip to the garment district today.
Maybe he wanted to go out to find you? Sounds like you are having a good time at your sisters :) Enjoy the lunch.
I wished I had looked yesterday.
As I have always wanted to meet you.
Hope you are having a great time here in Southern California
I wish you all could have come! There's never enough time to meet good friends.
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