Well, I think it's kind of trendy, anyway. I've been thinking about the whole leggings or no-leggings question since it's been on Stitcher's Guild for a while, and I went so far as to buy a pair of leggings and wear them around the house. I love them for the comfort, but I haven't quite been able to get out of the house in them, and I think that's probably a good thing. I like the general idea though, so I thought maybe I'd try some very narrow pants. This is what I came up with, along with the top from the print knit I got in California.
I haven't quite decided if it's better with or without the belt. I think it needs something, and I thought of pockets or something, but I hate to break up the print, as I think it's very graceful, but perhaps the belt breaks it up anyway?
The top is FSG#1960 once again, but with the funnelneck from Christine Jonsen's Travel Basic #3 added. I also lengthened it by a couple inches, as I think it is imperative that a top worn with these pants must fall below the rear.
Since the pants are a kind of trial pair, I used some old doubleknit fabric I had, and pulled out a couple of simple knit pant patterns. This one (Stretch&Sew #100) has an 11.5" hem circumference. I faced the hem, and then used a twin needle to stitch around once as an edge-stitch, and once at hem length. Together, this gives it a little bit of a band effect, and I remember seeing this kind of finish on Givenchy knit pants in the 1980's. I would think about putting a vent in the hem if I make more of these, which I think I will. I think a fairly high spandex content would be appropriate as well. This fabric has none, and I don't expect it to hold up terribly well, at least in the knees. I'm basically happy with the style though. They could be a little narrower toward the thigh, and that's something I may experiment with. I feel comfortable wearing these however, which is a good change from leggings.
Whatever you think about the pants, the shoes are FANTABULOUS!
I like the overall look and the cut of the pants very much. I'm not sure if you outside advice, but I prefer the tunic with the belt.
A really amazing, sleek outfit, without the belt.
Great look and colors on you Liana! I agree with the others that the un-belted tunic gives you a sleek vertical line.
Very nice look, Liana. My vote is for the unbelted look. The colors are wonderful on you. I can see why you found that print irresistible at that California fabric shop. It's a real winner!
I'd like to see a photo from the front without the belt. Like the others have said, the side view without the belt looks fabulous - sleek and shows off a great bust with a trim tummy (Ooooooooo I hope I'm not getting too personal here!). The belt sort of cuts you in half? But that's just my opinion - hope I've not offended in any way!
You look wonderful in this! I think I like it better without the belt, but it looks good with it as well.
Love the slim pants on you and the new tunic as well. That is such a pretty print that I can see why it had to come home with you. I like the tunic without the belt too, it gives you a long slim line that is very appealing.
My, but this is a GREAT look on you. Perhaps you have recently lost 20 pounds, but if not, this outfit appears as if you have. It is very flattering.
This outfit looks great on you, Liana, especially unbelted!
Love the blouse! The fabric is gorgeous and the outfit is very flattering!
Lovely outfit, Liana. I especially like the unbelted look. You are certainly looking very pizazzy these days. ;-)
Gorgeous, Liana!!
The tunic sans belt AND your fresh, soft hairdo ;D
Soft hug,
Rhonda in Montreal
Lovely outfit, it is very flattering and the color looks wonderful on you.
You look fantastic. I like the color on you. Put my vote in the unbelted column.
:)Deb M.
Terrific looking outfit! I would ditch the belt and find a sheer scarf in the lightest color of print and wear it draped around the neckline, somehow.
wonderful outfit. The colors are so flattering and the shoes are teriffic. I prefer it without the belt, but it is great either way. I say yes to the slim pants too. Great look.
You look awesome! I prefer it without the belt, but either style is great. The colors are good for you and you have great legs for wearing those narrow pants. You could even go narrower with those.
I love the outfit. I prefer with belt though. Nice work, as usual.
This is a nice flattering look on you. I would have to vote for no belt to stay with the tunic idea. I like the slim pant very much. I have some old Burdas that have a 12 inch hem that I may dig out now. I know it's been said before, but your hair looks fabulous!
A lovely outfit. I think without the belt is best but that's just MO.I'm glad to have found this post because I've been wanting to try this look and now you've convinced me to go for it!Thank you!.
I love the top! Beautiful colors on you.
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