I got my new yarn samples from Elann today,and I'm really thrilled with these. There are so many neat things I could do with them, and I can hardly wait to play. The four small skeins at the top are what I will be playing with, and the color card is at the bottom. I'm so pleased I signed up for these, as it's much nicer to have the yarns "in hand" before I make a decision.
I turned the heel on my lacy arrow sock last night (first heel in quite a few years, so that was a trip down Memory Lane) and am decreasing on the gusset now. There's something about socks that just makes you want to do one more row....
Liana, about your previous post with new skirt, you look fantastic! Congratulations. Love those green high heels, too. I knew about Elann's yarn sample service. They look soooo tempting. I think I will wait for a while or until I reduce my yarn stash somewhat.
May, The samples are pretty irresistible, and I don't really need to build my stash, but I guess I needed a little temptation in my life. Thank you for the kind comment on the skirt too! I've had those green heels for years, waiting for the perfect thing. I knew they were my color!
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