Twist Top with Drawstring Pants.
I finally succumbed to the call of the Twist Top. Not the infamous Burda World-of-Fashion version, but my own version, made from the Jalie 2005. I started with the V-neck pattern, and changed the front to a cowl neck. I constructed it as usual, then put it on and began arranging the twist at the neck. I ended up with a version that I like pretty well. It also has a twist at the hem. The hardest part was stitching the twist invisibly. Much easier to hold it than to pin it, and to pin it than to sew it. It's the first thing I've done since doing a major overhaul of my sewing area. It was looking so pristine that I felt I needed to do something quick to get back with the program.
I am not so sure I'm crazy about this, and as my sister says, "Why do you want a Twist Top anyhow?" She may be right, but it was kind of fun, and certainly wearable, if not my favorite top. I wonder if it might not be better on me in a woven. Maybe I should just quit while I'm ahead though. Not everything is going to look great on everyone, and now and then, I apparently like to prove it!
Hi Liana... Did i miss the pic of your twist top?
I have done several of these now in anticipation of the upcoming sewzine article...and i think i've hit on a way to hold the twist in place (and have it stay there, lol), while stitching to secure it permanently.
I agree...you need to have 3 hands to get it to look like it does in your "designer mind's eye" LOL!
~Off The Cuff Style~ ...protecting the world from Ugly Shirt Mold!
Okay Pam, here's a photo just for you! I'm waiting impatiently for your method, but thought I'd give it a whirl (or twirl?)on my own. Eeeh, it's okay....
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