I've been enjoying a somewhat heated discussion on Sewing World about the "test garment" of the Decades of Style Patou Suitdress pattern published by Threads Magazine. We all agree that the Threads version is quite awful, and has such elementary sewing errors that it's hardly worthwhile to go on and detail the more advanced missteps, one of which is the use of a plaid fabric. It has gotten me thinking about the type of fabric I want for my version though. I was quite sure that I wanted a plain fabric, and was beginning to think about weights, and where I might find just the right thing. I'd looked around some, and nothing really grabbed me. Then, I suddenly thought of the Oscar de la Renta foiled wool suiting
I've also been beginning on a Vogue Jacket

I've also been knitting on my Vogue Knitting wrap, and I'm almost done with the wrap itself, and then it will be on to the decorative knitted roses at the closure. It's been a fun thing to knit.
dear liana,
i´m curious if you started the decades-of-style pattern? i´m interested in that pattern, too. but i´d love to hear from you if the pattern is recommendable or not (it´s kind of expensive, and i don´t want it to be shipped to me and then i cannot use it for some reason). how does it fit? did you need to make BIG changes to the pattern?
i´m very small (1.60m) and usually i always have to alterate patterns in length, so that would be no problem.
i think i´ll use a light grey lightweight wool-crepe for that pattern so i can wear it in summer.
btw: your blog ROCKS! :)
No, I haven't started it yet. I got it all out and was ready to trace the pattern, but ended up putting it on the back burner for now. I think it's going to take a muslin to see how it's going to go, as there are so many pieces, and some unusual shapes, etc. that it's hard to flat measure with any assurance of success. It looks like it ought to be fine, but it's hard to be sure. I think wool crepe would be a wonderful fabric choice. Can't wait to see your version!
thanks for your hint, i already thought there has to be a muslin first... and i hate sewing muslins... i´m a lazy sewer ;)
but, of course you are right! sometimes there MUST be a trial piece first. *sigh* i´ll put it on my to-do-list.
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