Here are 5 new campshirts I made from the eQuilter fabrics I bought. I finished the Shoe print one last weekend to test the changes from the plaid Madras version, and made the other 4 yesterday, while I was watching the cats to make sure they didn't escape out the basement door as it was being painted, and so had to be open a ways. I got them all done except the hems and buttonholes. I did those today. I'm pretty happy with them. They are all fairly crisp fabrics except the Marbled Butterfly print, which is quite silky feeling.

Thread Squiggles


Pointillist Sailboats

Yoga Cats

Your shirts look great - I love the different fabrics! What pattern did you use for the shirt?
I've been reading your blog for the past few months, and I credit you for getting me back sewing again. :-)
Pearl :-)
Thanks for the very kind comment, Pearl! The pattern is from a RTW shirt I really liked and took apart when it was "done." I've altered it several times since then. It's really a very simple pattern. Just a front, back, dropped sleeve and all-in-one collar. I interface the collar and front cut-on facing. I would suggest trying a KwikSew pattern, maybe 2952 (a more set-in sleeve) or 2674(dropped sleeve and looser in general.) I put a lot more shaping into my sideseams than either of these, but that's easy to change.
How exciting that you're back to sewing! Glad to be an "enabler." Aren't we having fun?
Over the July 1st long weekend, I reorganized my sewing cupboard, resulting in more space. Then last weekend, I re-discovered a fabric store in Richmond, about a 20min drive from my place in Vancouver. ...I either have to do alot of sewing in the next while, or get a bigger cupboard to store fabrics! Maybe both :-) I forgot how much fun sewing can be!
Those shirts look great. You have me re-organizing my sewing room now so that it'll be more inspiring to be in there. Nice work on the sweater in your earlier post too, it's very pretty. Do you make most of your clothes or even dare I say ... all of them?
(P.S. to Pearl - you are in Vancouver BC? I'm in Maple Ridge!)
Small world, isn't it! :-)
Sounds like everybody's getting in the sewing mood. Gaile, I do make most of my clothes. I still buy jeans, and various things, but I think once you know what good-fitting clothing feels like, it's tough to "make do" with things that are just a semi-acceptable fit. Thanks for the kind comment on the sweater too. I was pleased with it.
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