This is the hem edge of the Lily shell. On the right needle is the finished hem edge. On the left needle is the unfolded hem, with waste yarn at the bottom. This waste yarn will be removed as the stitches are picked up on another needle, then folded and one stitch off each needle knitted together, making the hem edge. The shell continues from there as a single layer. Since I finished the hem, I have done a little over one pattern repeat for the body of the shell.
One day I am going to show up on your doorstep, knitting needles in hand, and stay there until you agree to teach me the basics of knitting!!!! While my mother was a prolific knitter, she refused to teach me, because she said she didn't use "standard" technique: she would prop up one needle, keeping it stationary, then form the stitches by manipulating the other needle...her specialty were Aran sweaters...they were beautiful....and perfect!!!! amazing!
Pam (alerting you and Perle to be on the lookout for a petite redhead hitch-hiking down the highway holding several skeins of yarn)
Pam, We'll be on the lookout for you! Your Mom sounds like a whiz. That's a very old, traditional technique, known for great speed. Too bad she didn't think it was "correct." You'll have to do like I did, and just teach yourself.
Liana, you may find me right behind Pam! I just started teaching myself to knit - fulfilling a lifelong desire of mine. Now of course I've begun to have trouble with carpal tunnel so I had to find the best way to knit to avoid tingling and numbness, and have to limit my time. sigh ... I don't pretend to understand much of your directions ... but plan to in the future! Thanks for the inspiration!
BTW what is the yarn store in Omaha? We'll be out visiting my in-laws this summer and I may be brave and check it out!
Carol, The yarn shop is called Personal Threads. They're on Dodge St., just NE of Immanuel Hospital. They advertise in the back of VK, etc.
Sorry about your carpal tunnel! What a rotten thing! Knitting becomes kind of addictive though, doesn't it?
It IS addictive...far too easy to carry and work on no matter where you are. It made it far too easy to avoid organizing my sewing area - if I worked on knitting I didn't need to even go in there much less find something! I have buckled down some and gotten much cleaner, but still have a long way to go. It's functional now though, so that is a VAST improvement.
Thanks for the store info, we've been on Dodge many times. My MIL just sold her house in Regency near Westroads so we've been around that area - and probably past the store - many times. Now I have a reason to stop in!
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